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Adrianna Sosa

Training of Trainers (ToT) 2022-2023

Training of Trainers as its name suggests is one of the YH’s programs which aims to train professional trainers and change agents capable of replicating our training modules in our programs, and in their communities. This allows them to later enter the job market. In May 2022, we launched the first phase of the latter which was essentially composed of a set of training courses given with the aim of allowing participants to acquire the necessary skills in workshop design, workshop animation, workshop evaluation, English and computer science. 25 participants began the first stage, 24 of whom were able to complete the study cycle by obtaining a certificate for having completed level I as part of the program. In March 2023, we launched the second phase considered as a continuation of the first, and the goal was to deepen the concepts seen with the participants, to have them practice so that they could have a certain mastery of the field and be able to carry out workshops while respecting the related principles. To do this, we explored these themes in depth with them: workshop design, workshop animation, workshop evaluation, childhood and adolescent psychology, oratory arts. In addition, individual interventions, observation courses and small group intervention courses were required as part of the training curriculum to evaluate their knowledge acquisitions and move them from the stage of apprentice trainer to professional trainer. In fact, on December 21st, 2023, the program ended with 12 participants graduating and receiving their certificate making them officially professional trainers. During these two years of training, we have witnessed the changes that this program has brought to the lives of these young women both personally and professionally. They, who were shy before, who thought they had no capacity to be a trainer or to speak in public, are the ones today who are starting to respond to training needs, who are starting to impact the lives of others through training and to bring about significant changes in their personal lives and in their respective communities

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